
Golf Exercise To Last Your Golf Rounds

Running is a great way to strengthen your legs for golf. But walking is better on your body. Personally I used to hate running and thought it was bad for the joints. So I avoided it. Then their came a time in my life when I wanted to go for a job that required a fitness element. So I had to start running.

At first I found it very hard because after every run I would feel sore and tired. But then I discovered a safe, enjoyable way to run. I found out that I was working far too hard for my body. There is an Optimum training heart ratefor everyone, and it is about 50 % of your maximum. When I started training at 50% of my maximum I felt great after my runs and my fitness improved dramatically along with my golf game.

As a consequence I now love going for a run. Here is how I made the turn around from being a reluctant runner to someone who want's to go for a run. This information is equally important if you decide to do walking instead of running.

The first thing you need to do is to work out your optimum training heart rate(OTHR). To do this, use the following formula...

220-AGE + Resting Heart Rate  2.

Get your resting heart rate as soon as you wake up. To get your pulse you can either get a heart monitor wristwatch, that will take your pulse for you, or you can get it off your body manually. And the best place to find your pulse on your wrist is on the thumb side, just below your wrist joint.

To get your resting pulse from your wrist, count it for 6 seconds, then multiply it by 10. E.g. if your resting rate is 6 beats in 6 seconds, then you have a resting heart rate of 60 BPM. Taking a pulse manually when you are exercising can be a hassle, because you have to stop to take your pulse all the time, so it is worth the investment to get a heart monitor wrist watch.

Example: My OTHR = 220 - 30 + 60  2 = 125

Sample Running/Walking Workout (can be used for any aerobic exercise)

Warm-Up - 5 to 10 mins of warm-up stretching exercisers combined with deep breathing through the nose.

Relaxed Start - Begin running/walking. For 5 to 10 mins run/walk very slowly while breathing deeply though the nose and out your mouth. Keep the heart rate about 20 BPM below your optimum training rate (OTHR).

Awareness Phase - Begin to run/walk faster and be aware of your nose breathing. It should be comfortable and rhythmic. If you have to breathe through your mouth at any point, then slow down and regain your rhythmic nose breathing. Keep the pace at or below the OTHR. Keep this pace for as long as possible but you should try to do over 10 mins initially and then work up to as long as you want.

Relaxed Finish - 5 to 10 mins, running/walking very slowly while breathing deeply though the nose. Keep the heart rate about 20 BPM below your optimum training heart rate (OTHR).

Warm-Down - 5 to 10 mins of warm-up stretches to warm down (Very Important!) While stretching remember to use your deep breathing through the nose.

Trust me, if you follow this formula you will enjoy running or walking, and more importantly you won't be sore afterwards.

If you are a fanatical runner then a good sensible place to do it is at the Golf course where it normally is nice and soft, and you can also plan your games, get a different view of the course, and of course you know how far you are running. You can have breaks around the course and do some leg-strengthening exercises and other stretches.

Being physically fit is one of the best things you can do for yourself and you will never feel better, and your golf game will improve the fitter you get.

